About us

Hello and welcome to TRENDING STORE, the place to find the best trending products for every taste and occasion. We thoroughly check the quality of our goods, working only with reliable suppliers so that you only receive the best quality product.


We at TRENDING STORE believe in high quality and exceptional customer service. But most importantly, we believe shopping is a right, not a luxury, so we strive to deliver the best products at the most affordable prices, and ship them to you regardless of where you are located.


At My Store, we are dedicated to providing a curated selection of eco-friendly home goods and stylish accessories that elevate everyday living. Founded in 2025 by Shaik Hameed in Vatsavai, our mission is to offer products that not only enhance your home but also support a healthier planet. We understand that the choices we make in our daily lives can have a significant impact on the environment, which is why we prioritize sustainability in every aspect of our business.

Our product range includes artisanal candles and sustainable kitchenware, each item meticulously sourced from reliable suppliers who share our commitment to quality and environmental responsibility. We conduct thorough quality checks to ensure that every product meets our high standards, allowing us to confidently offer items that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Research indicates that consumers are increasingly seeking eco-friendly options, with 73% of millennials willing to pay more for sustainable products. We aim to meet this demand by providing unique offerings at affordable prices.